Effect of L-Glutamine Supplementation on Electromyographic Activity of the Quadriceps Muscle Injured By Eccentric Exercise


1 Department of Exercise Physiology Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Departments of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran



The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of L-glutamine on electromyographic (EMG) activity of the quadriceps muscle injured by eccentric exercise (EE).
Materials and Methods:
Seventeen healthy men (age: 22.35±2.27 yr; body mass: 69.91±9.78 kg; height: 177.08±4.32 cm) were randomly and double-blind study with subjects assigned to either an L-glutamine supplementation (n=9) or placebo (n=8) group. The subjects in two groups were asked to take three times during a week for 4 weeks. Each subject was screened for dietary habits before inclusion into the study. Participants performed 6 set to exhaustion eccentric leg extensions at 75% of 1RM and rest intervals were 3 min among sets. Pain Assessment Scale (PAS), EMG activity and range of motion (ROM) measurements were taken before exercise protocol and 24 and 48 hr afterwards.
There was no statistically significant difference between groups in perceived muscle soreness (SOR), ROM and EMG activity (P < 0.05).
The results indicate that L-glutamine supplementation has no significant effect on muscle injury markers in between groups, although glutamine supplementation attenuated delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) effects in sup group.


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